Green By Design Podcast Episode 007: A Green Home Journey with Eric and Firnanda Firman
Welcome to the green by design podcast. Thank you so much for being here today. We have Fernanda and Eric Ferman, and I'm going
Green By Design Podcast Episode 006: Sustainable Furnishings Council with Susan Inglis
In the 6th episode Erica reveals a big tool in her toolbox of green design: the sustainable furnishings council, a big leader in the push for cleaner greener designs and furniture.
Green By Design Podcast Episode 005: Eco Design Expert Rachelle Padgett
In my quest to find other green designers, I came across Rachelle who was lovely and willing to connect.
Green By Design Podcast Episode 004: Mindful Materials with Kim Lombardozzi
In This episode I'm the only one with video but you can certainly watch me interview the lovely voice of Kim and learn about the super-cool database Mindful Materials.
Green By Design Podcast Episode 003: Medley CoFounder, Travis Nagle, Talks Clean & Green Furniture
You, my friendly listeners have just tuned in to the green by design podcast, which might mean you're an interior designer looking to learn a little bit more about going green or maybe another kind of home professional
Green By Design Podcast Episode 002 - How to Design a Green Home with Jennifer Beckley
You have just turned into the green by design podcast, which must mean you're an interior designer
Launching "Green By Design" Podcast :)
My mission was to create community and educate others around green interior design, the issues in the industry, and help be a voice to find solutions. In this intro episode #1