Design Obsession: Fringe

Fringe furniture is one re-emerging, grand millennial-esque trend we hope doesn’t go away anytime soon. I mean, when is furniture more fun and flirty than when it’s literally covered in tassels?! Don’t get us wrong—it’s definitely best and most effective when used *sparingly* in a design but it is so undeniably versatile. Fringe furniture can pull together a vintage look but can also be used successfully in a room that’s giving a contemporary vibe. Adding fringe to something is a simple yet unexpected way to take a plain piece of furniture and make it one of a kind.

While on the hunt for your next delightfully naughty piece of leather fringed furniture, remember that REAL leather from agricultural byproducts is inherently sustainable, but even more eco-friendly when processed with vegetable or olive tanning, and produced without chromium. Bonus if it is certified by Naturleder IVN.

Design Cred Left to Right:

  1. Kelly Hoppen

  2. Ngala Trading Co.

  3. Audenza


Design Obsession: Plaster Wall Art


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