A Match Made in Green Heaven: Green Realtor Meets Green Interior Designer
Izumi Tanaka reached out to me after hearing me on Nature's Premier green podcast. She's a green realtor in LA looking to help her clients buy and sell green homes
Green Interiors On the Green Gab Podcast
Erica Reiner with E. Leigh Designs, the creator and owner of a Los Angeles based, interior design studio formed her business to help people create ideal residential.
Round & Circular Area Rugs
First, it started with beach towels - "ROUND beach towels, you say?!...That's crazy talk!" Then the trend crept into the interior decor sector and has stuck around for a couple of years
Green Interior Design: Using Recycled Leather
New leather is no good for the environment - tanneries leach dyes and chemicals into the environment and ground, not to mention the damage to the workers in this industry who become ill.
Green Interior Design: Lamps & Lighting Fixtures
As a designer the lamps themselves are more top-of-mind than the bulbs going in them - however I always see an opportunity to go green with every product,
Green Interior Design: Beautiful Cork Floor Options
You might have heard that cork is an option for flooring, and you might have even heard it's eco-friendly. It's eco-friendly because it is actually just the bark of a Phellodendron
Unique Wooden Side Tables
Adding a pair of side tables to either side of a sofa or a bed add symmetry, makes the room feel put together and thought out. Buuuuut for me, not just any ikea plain junk will do
Retro Bar Carts
A bit hipster, I know – but still, I’ve been eyeballing some of these retro bar carts to fancy-up the new apartment we’re moving into. Besides
I heart Kilim Furniture
Kilim textiles are stunning - usually colorful and intricate with geometric patterns. Kilim, a Turkish word, describes a pileless textile.
Maybe I Can Own An Affordable Eco-House!?
I have found hope, as a Southern California renter, that one day I CAN own a house without swimming in mortgage debt until I die! Cherry on the cake - it can be eco-friendly